Tuesday 30 July 2013

Post PAX Australia update

First of all, thank you to everyone who came to the booth at PAX and everyone who helped us to get there. We were all very happy to meet players and chat in person. It was great introducing Wander to new players and chatting to some of our amazing alpha testers in person for the first time after seeing them online so often.

We have been  attempting to rest and recover from the PAX pox for the last week. I (Loki) am still out of action but some of the rest of the team can now get behind a computer again. We have big plans for the next few months so hopefully they will start to come together soon.

PAX Australia was fantastic for the Wander team. For all three days we had a long queues of exited players keen to play and our latest version worked smoothly. It's quite scary demoing a rather massively multiplayer online game at a expo like PAX but it was great to have the four players at PAX running into each other in the world.

We tried our best to be efficient at PAX and allow as many people to play Wander for a reasonable time as possible. If you were put off trying Wander by the very long lines at PAX or just want another go we will be showing Wander again in Melbourne in September and the public early access / beta release of Wander will be announced hopefully next week, or as soon as we're over the PAX flu.

If you want to read in a bit more depth our idea about Wander, there has been a few more in depth interviews related to Wander at Capsule Computers and Black Panel

It was great to chat to the Oculus team and check out the HD Rift. We are looking forward to seeing Wander with the HD Rift. Our cosplay prize winner looked amazing and was very exited to win a Razer Carcharias headset. Thank you to Razer for supporting Wander and providing us with wonderful Razer keyboards and mice for the booth. They were a joy to use.

There is a lot of new content in the version of Wander that we should at PAX which we haven't released screenshots of yet. We will be releasing these soon. If you want to see more photos from PAX we have posted a set on our Facebook page.

We still need more people to vote for us on greenlight, please get involved and help to get us on steam.

Friday 26 July 2013

Wander Postcards

We had this postcard available at PAX, drawn by the amazing Shelley. Then we figured, we are not going to limit the availability to only the handful of people who could present at a single place for a limited time period. So! We are sending you a postcard of us Wandering. If you are comfortable with giving me your address (PO Boxes are fine!) via email, Shelley shall chuck you a single postcard with a few lines of what natural explorations she happened to come across; as well as a few blanks for you to send around too. This will continue until we run out of stamps.

We will get a proper post PAX update out soon! After we all recover from PAX flu.

Monday 1 July 2013

New Trailer for PAX Australia

The big news, our PAX Australia trailer is up:

If you're in Melbourne for PAX Australia, come our booth and have a play. We will be demoing Wander with the Oculus Rift. We are also running a cosplay competition with prizes provided by Uber, Razer and us. Come to the booth and have your photo taken to enter. Prizes are awarded each day for best dressed Wander and Non-Wander character. Our Steam Greenlight page still need your help too, if you haven't voted yet.

The elf now has some new tattoos:

New paths and elf textures

And our paths are getting better!

New paths and elf textures

New terrain shader.

The team have been hard at work last week. We have a new terrain shader and Sarah has been working hard to make the terrain looks as wonderful as possible.

New terrain shader and textures

You can see that the grass and rocks now blend much more realistically. It's also very nice when your at the beach:

New terrain shader and textures

This is just the start of our new look terrain and we will have some more screenshots of it soon.

Tomorrow we will be uploading our first PAX Australia trailer. Which will show off a bit of the new areas, the new sound scape and set to some great original music by Justin.

The texturing team have been making great progress and next week we will have some new buildings and new tattoos for the elf.  Elaine and Chris have been filling out the sound of the world and the characters now have better sound effects and there is a lot more going on in the rainforest.

On Monday, the wonderful opera singer Seraphim and Ben will be in the studio recording the songs that the unlock stones will sing to players.